Tales From the Odyssey


This has been a hectic and difficult week, so I haven’t gotten much reading or blogging done in the last few days. In my classroom, however, our shared reading and read-alouds continue despite many interruptions: assemblies, field trips, testing days, special visitors. Our current read-aloud, which we will finish today, was written by Mary Pope Osborne, who wrote all the Magic Treehouse books that my students devour. She wrote a 6-book series called Tales From the Odyssey, for ages 8-12, and we are just finishing the first book which is called The One-Eyed Giant.

I remember, as a child, being fascinated by the Greek Myths and learning about all the gods and goddesses.  My students feel the same way.  Unfortunately, this series is out of print, so I picked up my copies of the six books at the library.  Although I’m only reading the first volume aloud to my students, I have enjoyed reading each of the books in this retelling of the great tale.


3 thoughts on “Tales From the Odyssey

  1. Robin Post author

    Mashadutoit, I was so fascinated by them and really enjoyed this little series. They are so quick to read, but don’t lose anything in the retelling.

    Bybee, your comment made me chuckle. Yes, I agree. The picture is terrific, armpit hair and all. She does a great job with retelling the stories for younger kids.



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