The Sci Fi Experience Wrap-Up

I should probably call this post the “Sci Fi Experience Almost Ready to Wrap Up.” I haven’t quite finished my last book for it. But the week has gotten so busy that I haven’t had much reading time at all, so I think I’ll go ahead with the wrap up and then post the review when I finish the book this weekend.

Carl V’s Sci Fi Experience each winter is a nice way to get to know the genre of Science Fiction a little better. This is the second time I’ve participated in the Experience, and, like last year, it was a lot of fun. Here’s a list of my Experience:

1. A Fisherman from the Inland Sea, Ursula le Guin

2. Mars Needs Moms!, by Brian Breathed

3. The Devil’s Arithmetic, by Jane Yolen (time travel)

4. Manga Shakespeare: Macbeth, by William Shakespeare (set in a post-apocalyptic world)

5. Enchantress from the Stars, by Sylvia Louis Engdahl

Science Fiction DVDs we enjoyed watching at our house during Jan-Feb:

Doctor Who — Series 1 (completed)
• Doctor Who — Series 2 (underway)
Battlestar Gallactica: the Miniseries — Season 1 (completed)
Equilibrium (directed by Kurt Wimmer)
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (directed by Guillermo del Toro)

4 thoughts on “The Sci Fi Experience Wrap-Up

  1. Robin

    Thanks, Nymeth. I’m sort of finished…I’m just getting to the end of Enchantress from the Stars, which I’m enjoying a lot, and then I’ll officially be finished.


  2. Kailana

    I watched Hellboy I the other night… I fell asleep. So, I still need to watch the ending. I really want to see the second one, though! You read a lot of good books for the challenge. 🙂


  3. Robin

    Kailana, I actually liked the first one better than the second one. I’m not in a big hurry to watch them again.



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