Challenge Completed

Once Upon a Time II challenge completed! This is my second year participating in this challenge, and I really enjoyed it. For this challenge I chose “Quest the First” which was to read at least 5 books that “fit somewhere within the Once Upon a Time II criteria. They could all be fantasy, or folklore, or fairy tales, or mythology…or your five books might be a combination from the four genres.” My list just kept expanding, and I ended up reading 12 books! (Two books on my original list were postponed until my Summer Break.)

I chose to include some books in my Quest that I could read to my second graders, and then put together a Fairy Tale Unit that they really enjoyed. So this reading challenge also had a very positive and enjoyable impact on my students.

Carl’s challenges and web site have introduced me to many new (to me) authors and artists. He’s an incredible host, and I am already looking forward to his R.I.P. challenge in the fall, and next year’s Once Upon a Time Challenge. Thank you so much, Carl, for introducing me to some tremendous writers and expanding my reading world so much!

My Completed Quest:

2 thoughts on “Challenge Completed

  1. Robin

    Nymeth, thanks! I enjoyed the books I read so much it would be hard to choose a favorite from this year’s challenge. And I love the authors I “discovered” (thanks to my fellow bloggers.)!



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